Clay Odari

Clay Odari

Founding Partner & Advocate of the High Court of Kenya

By day, Clay Odari wrangles legalese, not Legos. As an Advocate of the High Court of Kenya with 6 years of experience, I’ve seen it all (except maybe a clean room with a four-year-old around). My love for the law burns brighter than sleepless nights fueled by juice boxes. But seriously, I’m passionate about client service and delivering practical legal solutions, whether you’re a local entrepreneur or a global giant. So, let’s navigate the legal maze together, shall we?

Education and Biography


They say Jomo Kenyatta University is known for its agriculture, but in 2011, they grew a pretty sharp legal mind – me! After four years and a second-class honours upper division in law (fancy talk for ‘aced it’), I wasn’t done yet. The Kenya School of Law polished my skills with a post-graduate diploma, and now I’m an Advocate of the High Court of Kenya, ready to tackle anything from FinTech frontiers to aviation disputes. Basically, your one-stop shop for all things commercial law, tax, IP, and beyond. Consider me your legal Swiss Army Knife – sharp, versatile, and guaranteed not to rust in a courtroom showdown!


Forget fancy suits and billable hours by the minute! I’m Clay, an Advocate of the High Court of Kenya with an eagle eye for detail and a shark’s nose for value. Whether you’re a local business owner or a global conglomerate, I bring the best of both worlds: top-notch legal advice like those Wall Street wizards, but with a down-to-earth, cost-effective approach your wallet will thank you for. Let’s tackle your legal challenges together, with a smile and a strategy that would make any international law firm jealous.


They say lawyers are a dime a dozen, but have you ever tried finding one who can handle your taxes, trademark your dog’s name, AND fight a drone delivery dispute – all before lunch? That’s me, Clay, a High Court advocate with over 6 years of experience and a law firm I somehow haven’t burned down yet (being your own boss is, well, interesting). From complex commercial deals to the legalese labyrinth of aviation law, I’m your one-stop shop. Consider me your legal compass – always pointing you in the right direction, even if the map involves cryptocurrency and intellectual property battles. Remember, as Lord Denning once said, ‘The law is not something dead, but something that is alive.’ And with me by your side, navigating its twists and turns will be a whole lot more lively (and hopefully successful)!

Contact Clay Odari